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Is it the New Year already?
Friday, December 31, 2004

I so feel that I must blog.. missed blogging yesterday because I reached home only at like close to 4am...

Do you know what Master's balcony looks like? It's BEAUTIFUL! I think the whole balcony's even bigger than his house itself. And yesh it's so true that he can see every one of our blocks from his little abode but sitting under the moon and the stars with the breeze patting on our faces is truely refreshing albeit being way past midnight...

So how did I get up there?

Haha dun tell you.

It's New Year's Eve. Somehow it doesn't feel like New Year's Eve. Too busy to think about it.. or too many distractions? Hall Opening.. ChrisCo.. Birthday celebrations.. Bidding for modules.. meeting up with longlost friends.. Maybe it's because of the disaster that hit the region that all talk about Counting Down has mallowed... I wonder what counting down will be like tomorrow..

And so sending supplies to the tsunami hit areas have become the in thing.. or so quote Chye for saying that. And it's really heartwarming to see so many people just reaching out to help.. though I seem to sense a tinge of publicity-intent when big corporations too step in the disaster recovery. I gave away lotsa clothes to be shipped there already.. Money? I dont have them. I received a letter from NKF's LifeDrops (that monthly donation of $3 that takes off your GIRO account) and felt irritated that I'm actually donating (donating? They are taking money automatically off my bank!) to this organisation with millions of reserves when I should be giving them to Indonesia...

Something is wrong with me. There's so many things to do.. my To-Do list in my Palm has never been so long.. I just finished a Tech Cue Sheet for Hall Opening and now i'm going to start on the stall allocation for the homecoming. And i havne't thought of the launching sequence.

31st: And I'm going to visit Zhuanquan at 1.. discuss Chrisco cum countdown at 5pm..

1st: Meet Yanru for dinner on New Year's itself. She's flying back on Tuesday.

2nd: Going to 大姨's place on Sunday. Much as I don't want to. It's the only Family thing I have all week.

3rd: Hall Opening Full Dress Rehearsal. ChrisCo after that...

4th: Chrisco continues.. Going down to Class Chalet maybe.

5th: Back to Chrisco? I'm not sure. But i'm sure there are millions of Hall Opening Stuff to do by then.

I don't like it when I have no buffer time for myself. But oh well...

Signed off at
1:42 am


Happy Birthday Mark and Gabriel!
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Gabe's and Mark's birthday today (as in today). Let's see what happened.. Felicia and Suzanne baked a brownie which turned out to be surprisingly nice.. and they actually cue the cake today (as in yesterday) which was 1 day before! Ok.. quite off.. no surprises.. Harbourfront for dinner (which I wasn't around).. I joined them at about 9 after borrowing a library book.. and spending 45 mins in Orchard Library reading 8Days... (coz Suzanne told me to wait there and they would look for me.. but I guessed otherwise).. So I made my way to Harbourfront to meet the gang of dilly-dally D-Blockers (oh I just noticed to pun.. haa Block D... DillyDally! Get it?) And it was Fries in MacDonalds.. Walk to West Coast Park.. then headed back to hall because of the rain...

And I went home. Or so they thought.

Whoa lau how can I just let them off with a dinner and a brownie cake??? And so I drove back.. stripped my SBO of it's toggle rope.. and started my big plans in Felicia's room. Oh yes the watching of Garfield was part of the plan but it finished early.. haha but things went well they closed the room anyway so 打铁乘热 I strapped up their door and locked them in.. and Chio and 4 girls prepared our Orientation-style ways to tekan the birthday boys... haa really funny when Mark realised that they were locked in.. and Gabriel's screams when we splashed the red water under the door haa.. Too bad they saw Felicat with the pail of water so the lethal topping of pumpkin sause + flour turned out to be the freaking big surprise haa..

Screaming.. counter-ponding.. chasing round the block. Haa what's new. It's become a birthday tradition.

And the war torn scene was horreandous. Clean up was terrible. Pumpkin sause smelled nauseatic.. But we turned the place back to normal (or at least 85% normal) in the end. Hmm.. wait till auntie sees her mop later. Haha...

I'm so tired now. Shall spare you all the details wait till I get the photos from Felicat then I'll show you all. Her camera is fantastic.. oooh I'm so going to get her camera.

Signed off at
4:27 am


6 Specialists and an Officer
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

So what if I just touched down yesterday? I spent the whole day outside.

Met up with my the gang of specs today.. Jason, Rei, Mingda, Daryl and of course my beloved IntSpecs Weilong, Bingxun and Nicholas.. It was a gathering for them (Rei just ORDed.. lucky guy..) but it's cool that they asked me along.. I mean it's kinda cool that out of all the officers I guess I hit with them the closest.. haa.. and they remember me all this while =)

They are all the same still.. BX braces seem to work wonders.. his teeth are in good shape now.. Daryl is not working in Borders and he is still as cock as ever.. haa.. yeah really funnily cock as he talked about his patronising customers venting anger on him and asking him advice on books for newlyweds other than KarmaSutra.. haa.. and the lady boss that he thinks has a crush on him.. his Sugar Mama.. haa... I had to resist myself from suanning him like I used last time.. but now we're all civilians (same rank yeah) hahaa...

Mingda is still childish and seems like his legacy in 42 hasn't ended.. haa.. the Care Bear he sort of left behind in some silly room in his workshop had his name written on it and somehow ended up in Lion Coy. Haha.. and he's squealing over it all afternoon..

And what could be better than catching up with 42 gossips by BX and nick.. I mean life is SO VERY EXCITING back there now.. the new CO's a crackpot.. B2's still an EMP (I coined this term.. Remember the ElectroMagnetic Pulse from the Matrix? Yes what does it do? I sends out a huge electric wave that stunns all the sentinels. Yes. It's the nickname given to the ultimate stunner on earth). S2 and S3 are still bickering like kids.. with the latest being S2 poking and destroying S3's ops telt HAHHAAA.. boy I must talk to him one day.. the S2 and S4 alliance.. S4 being as bastard as ever.. and buying beer for all the PSOs during map planning.. Wilson scoring points in front of CAO.. their ATEC stage 1.. oh wow oh wow oh wow.. I feel like going back!! I WANNA GO BACK!!! School sucks.. aye thinking that it's starting in less than 2 weeks time turns me off...

And seems like I'll be their S2 after all *cross fingers*.. well as I said it's either they put me in 490 or they forget about me totally.. But it'll be weird I guess.. after they will be going through ATEC and I'll be enjoying my civilian life.. and working with them again would be strange now that i take them as friends more than subordinates already.. Though I seem to realise they didn't call me by my name still while the rest have.. Hmm.. well.. see when it comes a long long time later.. probably I'll have to learn a lot from them.. maybe arrow them to do everything bwahahaahaa..

So it was talking cock and reminiscing and gossiping and bitching from 1pm all the way to 8.30 pm... from Thai Buffet Restaurant to TCC.. whoa...

The it was a rush down to Bishan to meet the MAF Brothers.. and I spent $6.50 on Kung Fu Hustle which I felt totally cheated after that. Totally no plot. Zilch. None. Zero. Total slapstick brainless comedy which is real funny all right. I actually laughed till I cried. Serious! I think this is the 1st time I watched a comedy and laughed till tears rolled down my cheeks. The special effects were cool too. It only it just had a PLOT..

Oceans 12 next. And who would wanna watch Phantom of the Opera with me? FYI when I was in Primary 6 I was totally crazy over the Phantom. I had the CD running in my player day in day out night in night out and could practically sing out the whole musical! (er.. yeah horrible singing that is.. dont start imagining Michael Crawford Chio)

And guess what? I have class outing tomorrow.. or later. Kayaking at East Coast. Wow. My class is damn happeining. Though I'd be going with an uneasy mind with so many unsettled Hall Opening stuff undone.

Signed off at
4:59 am


Of caps and blogs and reunions
Monday, December 27, 2004

And I'm back from Bangkok.

Everyone's blog's talking about results. Well.. I guess I did OK.. by my standards. Not what I prayed for but at least enough for me to fight back in the 2nd semester. But is it enough to fulfil my long-time dream?

I don't wanna go around asking people for their CAPs.. I only know the Arts peeps are crazy.. 4.8, 4.9 and Jingwen got 5.0!!??!! Unbelievable but Congrats! So far CAP has been a hush-hush thing for me. No one's talking about it to me and I shall continue living in seclusion and self-happiness.

Started a MafBrothers blog.. after a crazy idea between me and toad. Well if you are a smart ass you probably figure out what the URL is.. haa.

I really have nothing to type here. Next few weeks are packed with meetings and meetings.. with friends. Quek's back, Yanru's back, Robin's back and tomorrow going have lunch with my specs (wonder how come they got off tomorrow...?)

Looking at next sem's timetable.. it seems quite relaxed.. at least I dun have to wake up at 8 everyday. Yeah. Sigh. School's starting... how sad.

Sorry for the lousy entry.

Signed off at
3:48 am


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

"Hi is this Mr Clement?"
"Our technician has just opened up your camera and the insides were badly corroded. Water must have gone in or something."
"How can? I don't remember water going in.." (trying to geh siao)
"Well i don't know. But our warranty doesn't cover corrosion because it's not a mechanical fault..."
"So how much does it cost for a repair?"
"About $320. Which I suggest you can get a new camera."
"So what do I do now? Go down and collect my spoilt camera?" (a bit pissed now with a tissue stuck in my nose)
"You can come down during office hours.."
"Ok thanks bye."

That came as the second blow to me. First was the strange "hard disk failure" of my MP3 player which creative refused to repair.. and now my camera. My 2 most prized possessions just died within the week that I went to Bintan. Already wasn't emotionally strong now that I'm stuck with this stupid unknown flu.. almost wanted to break down.

Losing an mp3 player wasn't that bad.. after all I hardly listen to it once school starts.. but the camera has been a significant part of my life.. since JC days snapping away with the dummy camera will pre-ORD days when I bought that digital one.. and with 5gb of photos to its credit. With a whole website dedicated to them.. it's my only way of capturing memories.. and I think I'd have a hard hard time getting used to life without a camera.

I wasn't so sad when I lost it few months ago. Maybe because I still held this very slight hope that I could find it back.. or maybe I had already planned to buy a new camera.
But now it seems like it is gone for good. RIP. Drowned. Corroded. Bah. And I have no money at all now. So would it be a new camera or a new MP3 player next?

Suddenly I felt like signing on. I miss the days when I have a steady $1000+ income a month. Save $450 and still have lots to spend. I splurged so many gadgets during my NSF life.. I can't do that now. So i guess it's frugal lifestyle from now on. I must save enough money by the next computer fair to get a new camera at least!!! If not BOTH a camera and MP3 player.

Wanted to type a long entry after ChoonKiat's wedding to say how exciting being a xiong di was.. to spend the bachelors party till 4 am.. to stay over at the grooms place.. to drive the bridal car from the groom's (at choa chu kang) to the bride's (at payar leba) at 7am (Oh yes I was the driver haha without the P plate of course!).. to barge through the doors guarded by the jie meis.. To help out in the reception.. to yam seng on the stage... to saboh the couple with Guinesses stout + 2 x raw eggs.. to see so many old army friends.. ex-CO.. S3, S2, RSM, 1WO Kuah, RQ.. the PCs.. my understudy! So much catching up we did yeah.. and finally to drive the drunk couple home haha.

I can't wait for any one of the 27th to get married. Think it will be so very fun!! Chongwee and Ribena, Wendy and Daniel, Martin and Sharon.. who will go 1st? haha.. and even more fun if MAF Brothers get married haha!!! Think we'll crash down the brides door in no time!!

I made a fantastic flash file for Chrisco. Go take a look at it at http://hjc27sc.illusionfxnet.com . It's a 6mb file so it'll take long to download but it's definitely worth the wait!!

For now it's back to the mourning of my camera. Sobz..

Signed off at
3:36 am


No time to blog...
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Ok there are so many things I wanna say but got no time lahz..

I've uploaded the photos of my bintan trip already so just go to my fotopic site and see ok?

Hall Opening worksession.. Chrisco.. Rachel's Bday.. ChoonKiat's Wedding.. Tuition oh wah so many exciting things to do these few days before I go bangkok on the 22nd..

I'm so glad Chrisco's starting to get on tracks.. haa excited!

Signed off at
3:25 am


Play Play Play non stop
Saturday, December 11, 2004

I guess playtime's not over.. And I've been playing all the way since the exams ended all right...

30th Nov - Went out with class to eat 鼎泰峰... ate only a bit coz had to save stomach space for Choon Kiat's Tim Sum Buffet treat.. haa guess I'm the youngest xiong di there.. weird that his wife's jie mei are all so much older than me..

1st Dec - Missed my swim.. went with Gabe and Veron to Queensway and bought my extension cord.. wanted to but earphones but were freakin expensive.. should I buy seinheisser or sony earphones? Singapore Idol Finals at night and Taufik won!! Well he's so much better than the stupid super-ugly Sly... Went to cheong with the level 4 guys after that.. couldn't get into Zouk.. went to Double-O instead... followed by Geylang.... (haha don't think dirty.. nothing happened..)

2nd Dec - Swam finally.. with Francis, Dustin and Su Kiang. 1st step in the holiday-losing-weight programme.. Started watching 倚天屠龙记.. then went out to watch THE INCREDIBLES!!! Which was truely and incredible show!! The best cartoon I've ever watched!!

3rd Dec - Swam again.. with Suzanne, Felicia, Mark and Dustin. Pre-Bintan tan.. a bit darker.. the dark clouds didn't help. And yes I went home to continue my 倚天屠龙记 saga.. the 六大派围攻光明顶 (Episode 16) was fantastic!!! And it didn't help that 周芝若 looked totally like xy (that gabriel admitted too).. ooh melted on the sofa so many times.. sheesh I must get her out of my mind.

4th Dec - 5pm to 5am.. 12 hours of drama serial.. non-stop (except for a short dinner actually). No I can't believe I actually glued myself to the gogglebox for so long..

5th Dec - 3pm to 11pm.. Finished the whole series.. Felt a bit lost then.. Suddenly nothing to do like that. I really wanna watch the whole serial again... but that's crazy. Maybe before school reopens.

6th Dec - Tim Sum Buffet at Miranma hotel. Yum yum. Well.. a spate of unhappy things happened after that.

7th Dec - Bintan!! Though it was not the better Nirwana Resort.. it's the company that makes the difference. The trip took a rainy start.. so no sea sports. Went to the 'city' Tanjong Pinang (did I spell correctly) which turned out to be a gross mix of Kathmandu and the rural Malaysia suburbs.. Wasted a S$60 cab fair and a 1.5 hour ride there.

8th Dec - We were rewarded with sunny sunny weather the next day.. despite the lousy continental breakfast of (guess what?) Toast (which were not hot at all) and spread (proabably all sponsored) and Nasi Goreng (ok this was not too bad) with Orange Juice (that was circulating in the machine since the night before.. eww gross). Totally craved for omelette (which I thought would be a standard dish in a "continental" breakfast but it cost S$4.00!!
It was beach day! Volleyball.. suntanning.. and the exciting Bananaboat ride which saw Wenlee and Mark being thrown off the boat and the death of my camera. Dinner was excellent at the Kampung and the day ended under zillions of stars by the sea. Somehow it crossed my mind if at that moment of stargazing someone at kampuchea would be looking at the same stars at the same time? Made a wish anyway...

9th Dec - Sneaked to Nirwana (as Peter Tan, Pauline Tan and Titus Ong) after checking out to use the pool.. and jacuzzi. Skies were not good. Cold. Went to Kampung to eat again. Excellent sunset. A slight crisis (we forgot to bring the ferry tickets to the terminal!) before leaving but well.. we hit Singapore by 10.30 pm. And that concluded our trip.

10th Dec - Went to repair my camera.. road relay training.. and now in hall in my room staying here illegally. Haha lucky I never lock my door. And lucky pesky kids are not using my room for their camp. Well even if they are I'm back and they jolly well find somewhere else to spend the night.

Sigh sigh sigh.. guess my description didn't do the trip to Bintan any justice.. guess my language skills suck now.. (look at the time). I guess Felicia's or Suzanne's blogs will have more exciting accounts. Stick around while I'll uplaod the photos soon.. when I get them from Mark as my camera died halfway...

Gotta be at East Coast at 9 to wash cars.. to help out in the CHESS fund raising thing.. whou I'm such a siao-on chem engineer..


Signed off at
3:24 am


Back from Bintan
Friday, December 10, 2004

What an exhilirating 3 days!

But too tired to blog much now.. checked my mail and got so many things to settle oh manz.. Creative replied my email on how to self-repair my MP3 player.. to no effect.. and so I need to send my MP3 player and my camera for repair (yes it died too.. probably sea water getting into it.. hope the warranty helps).. to call the sculptor maker for the Hall Opening shit.. and my 1st road relay training after so long tomorrow.. oh oh.. hope I can make it.. saw myself in the mirror.. incredibly fat now.. though darker.

Yawnz yawnz yawnz...

Signed off at
3:01 am


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I already typed a long entry on how happy i spent my last week and guess what.. IT CRASHED WHEN I'M ABOUT TO FINISH!!! and why did it CRASH?? Because my Creative MP3 player DIED.. and was downloading a recovery programme.. and that stupid MP3 player died at the wrong time.. had to die when I'm going Bintan tomorrow.. reformat the whole player also no use.. ok damn. Stupid electronic devices.

And I quarrelled with my mum today.. why? Because she screamed at me for not turning on the kitchen lights and closing the kitchen windows at 7 pm resulting her seeing 2 lizards in the kitchen. Can you believe it??? My mom woke me up from my sleep to scream at me just because she saw 2 lizards?!?? I didn't listen to her.. just went out for dinner. So I spent my dinner alone in Ginza Plaza MacDonalds.. and why did I go MacDonalds? Because the hawker centre opposite was closed for renovations. How sway can I get??

I dunno how my MP3 player died. I was still happily listening to it this morning. Stupid shit. And I couldn't go to Sim Lim because I was called back to send the stupid programme to SCRC last minute.. argh.


Signed off at
2:39 am




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