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Half Blood Prince
Monday, September 26, 2005

Haha I finally finished the book.. can't find anyone to tell particularly (coz everyone probably has finished the book eons ago) but want to wail about Dumbledore and Snape the asshole somewhere.. Oh I can't wait for Harry 7 to be out! So exciting!!

Mind you not that I'm a slow reader.. I bought the $50 US version of the book on the day it was out.. just that I had no time to read it till now.. well not that I have a lot of time now.. considering that I have a test tomorrow which I have totally no confidence in.. a test on Weds and Thurs which i barely studied for..

Deja Vu for me though.. I remember I finished Goblet of Fire when there was a Chemistry Test the next day.. that was when I was in JC2.. haha

Anyway.. I missed Impario again.. shit man.. thought the deadline was 26/09 2349 hours (which is today) turns out that it's actually 26/09 0000hrs (which was a few hours ago!). Damn and it will actually count in my final marks.

Not that my test tomorrow can make up for it. *sigh*

Best option - sleep.

Signed off at
3:48 am


Bleah. Boo. Bah.
Monday, September 19, 2005

It's the lazy-to-blog syndrome.. if I blogged 2 or 3 days ago it would have been a juicy entry.. at least i thought my emotions were stronger then.. but now well.. i'm just bloggin to keep this place alive...

Buaya week is over.. phew.. Thought it was quite messy.. the revealations part.. and the no-noise-after-10 rule is damn irritating.. How can I get things going without getting attention from people to listening to me by speaking louder than all of them? But I think now I must be on Master's and RF's hit list on the Noisest block ever haha.. Like almost every day I get a call/sms that my block is damn noisy at night.. But Shaowen's right.. a noisy block is a good sign =)

And I dunno if it's buaya week or wad but seems like everyone around me is falling in love (except me of course). And I totally feel the same sentiments as Francis after reading his usually whiny nicks GooD To SeE sO MAnY HapPy CouPLeS + UnoFFICiAL BuaYas aRd.. LuV is IN THe AIr.. but noT Ard ME.. (u) so I've decided to put a whiny nick too.. at least I think its less whiny than his..

Lazy to describe to let's take an exerpt of a MSN conversation with Charmaine...
~mayn~: people in my wing all slowly slowly attached liao
~mayn~: den i HOW
~mayn~: hahahha
~:chio:~: hahaaa
~:chio:~: don't worry I also suffering the same fate
~:chio:~: hahaa
~mayn~: diao
~:chio:~: people in my level also slowly getting attached liaoz
~mayn~: sighhhhhh
~mayn~: hows larrrr
~:chio:~: maf brothers also slowly gettting attached liaoz
~mayn~: hahahhha
~mayn~: ya ya

Boy does she sound despo.. hahaaa (and I'm not). This time last year I was in the stupid 花痴 predicament.. esp after the ice-cream mooncake.. think every since i gave up on xy it's hard to get another to catch my heart again.. haa quite high expectations hor for a fattybombom hahaaa. Aiyaaa time to find a good hobby to keep myself occupied once my good brothers and buddies start getting attached. Luckily I'm so darn busy now with Block Comm...

Other things I want to rave about in the blog but I guess I can't be bothered to now: 射雕英雄传 (yes I'm a sucker for gongfu serials.. esp 金庸 ones), iPod Nano (freaking cheap lobang from zaihao but I don't need it now), mid-term break (stupid MnO project sucked away 2 out of 4 days away), academics (making it up by intense webcasting), tuition (yah i got a lobang from meishen's cousin but I guess I'm too rusty.. need to buck up)...

Bleah. Boo. Bah.

Signed off at
1:56 am


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Guess what.. it's 10am.. my 8am lecture (webcastless) ended early.. and where am I now..?
Central Library.

Cool huh? Effectively I'd be here until about 5 or 6 when I finally head back to hall.. yeah not that I have no lessons but I choose to webcast them instead.. yeap that seems to be what most of my class is doing.. In fact I hardly only see them in tutorials.. and that seems to be the only lessons they come to school for too.

After a long long time I finally went for a tutorial class yesterday with a tutorial actually done. Quite a shiok feeling to know what's going on in class. Yeap must make good use of this Buaya week fully.

Buaya Week. Things are getting interesting... with posters and presents and funny messages all over the place. Very much wanted to keep a regularly updated Buaya Week page on the Block D website but I guess it'll be quite time consuming to do so. And I'd prefer my block comm members do a good job buayaing who they are supposed to than to do these extra adhoc stuff.

Ok.. should post too long an entry now.. maybe take a short nap first before starting my webcast. =)

Signed off at
10:22 am


The calm after the storm.. the silver lining on the clouds..
Sunday, September 11, 2005

I should know that I can't study at home.. my lecture notes has been on my table the whole day but all I do is watch TV.. surf.. chat.. hahahaaa doing all the useless stuff in the world

Was just enlightened on how often my blog pops out on search engines.. to think I actually tested googling 'clement chio' or 'crazywackysuperpowerchio' and was happy that it yielded no results..

And yes I realised that I have a WHOLE LOT OF READERS.. and my last post probably generated a lot of concern... I have people dedicating their part of their blog entries to me.. I have received sms from Debbie all the way from australia.. Quek called from Illinois to share his S3 Fachead experience.. 'anon' and 'orange' tagged (sorry I don't know who you are... yet).. Someone's blog talked about "when you used the phrase 'increasingly lonely'..." (yes I was reading) I think she was talking about me... Even Sky out-of-the-blue asked me "so how's your block? I read about it in your blog" after dance during maf... *stunned*

Thank you all!! Really. The worst is over now.. I hope. IBG was really draining... and I think all of us have to get used to our job. I'm sure all char-taos are reading this.. all our blogs have ranted about the same issues.. We are in this shit together. We are not like JCRC who sit in aircon rooms to makedecisionssetdatesshootarrows.. we are the groud people.. and no matter how much mud is thrown onto our faces we have to endure and win the battle.. and of course.. if you have any bright idea to lure the worms out of their holes.. to hook the muggers from their tutorials.. to resurrect the phantoms.... SHARE.

Still, I never regretted stepping up.

Buaya Week
I can't wait to get back.. through msn conversations there seems to be so much activity in hall!! All the Buaya week stunts.. even Master SMSed me to keep the noise level in the block down. But more importantly this week.. or rather 4 days are for me to take a good break.. to catch up with my webcasts and tutorials.. to mug in the library.. do finish up lab reports and assignments.. while watching the block go crazy with the love of their lives...


Finally.. a MAF that we old birds can say that was a good one.. an impressive grand lightup.. nice fire display.. cheap 50cent canned drinks.. good one 32nd! And so we say it takes 5 years to churn out one good council.... haha

And so every MAF turns out to be the same for us.. dinner at jinshanling (used to be Full House before they moved away).. arrive just in time for GrandLightUp.. taking nonsense photos.. visiting ECA stalls... crazy-song-session-where-we-always-sing-overpassionately.. marathon-mass-dance.. Council-level Speedy.. Council Dance.. KAP for Chrisco Informal... There was a difference though.. we had less stamina.. at least for me.. after Wild Wild West I was quite tired already... didn't really want to do wildwild again.. and for once instead of screaming for Council dance at the end we just sat by the side and quite promptly made our way to KAP.. hmm.. signs of ageing?

One thing for sure.. I could really let go.. together with all my brothers and council around me.. not having to worry that they will be off and buay-on.. go crazy without worrying that the rest of the world would think you are a nutcrack.. and shout "27th KE BAH BAH" knowing that they will surely reply.....

Click the picture for photos

iPod Nano
THIS is the reason why I didn't buy the Creative Zen Micro.. coz I was sure Apple would come up with something that would screw copycat Creative (sorry man I lost faith in them after my muvo died for no apparant reason few days after my warranty ended). And look at this cool gadget that they came up with...

Whoa and it's rather affordable for its size leh.. $200+ for the 2gB version and $400 for the 4 gB version for starters.. whoa I really must get it man.. gives me the real drive to save save save!!!

Ok.. hope I can update this more often now that I should have more time on my hands.. gotta sleep soon.. nitez.

Signed off at
8:14 pm


Mission Impossible
Sunday, September 04, 2005

There was a time when I would religiously blog everyday.. now.. I hardly have the time to.
Now I hope I have.

"I think we seniors should go out and bond with the juniors"... "I want to increase the presence of Block D within the hall"... "Participate.. don't have to organise.. that's all I ask for"... "To bridge the gap between the juniors and seniors.. that's what I hope to do to bond the block"... "We have a great bunch of juniors and I think with them we can help hype up block D"...

Or so these were what I said either during seniors' meeting or during the wayang elections itself. But as the days go by everything seems to be crumbling apart. It's only now I see whose heart really belong to the hall.. the block. But even if they don't want to belong.. can I force them to?

IBG is a test of endurance.. to see which block can stand the test of time.. Why must the white supporters always be these miserly few? Why must the white players always be those few as well? It's hard to stand in the face of other block heads or even the sports captains to say "That's all I have from my block." or "I only have 4 female runners. Can or not?" (they needed at least 6 from the WHOLE BLOODY BLOCK) or "I only have 4 female swimmers". Why must I be the one who have to run around getting players / swimmers when there are sports captains / secs chosen long ago? Why must I be facing stupid problems like idiots locking themselves in their rooms 1 day before the cheerleading competition and not doing anything? AND have people telling me "You know about blah blah blah how come you still put her in charge?" (first I didn't and second what the hell am I supposed to do about it?)

And that's not the end of all the idiosyncracies I have to endure.. I have people (not only one.. that's how bad it is) telling me that they don't want to be in block comm anymore because of some other people inside it as well.. I set deadlines where no one follows.. I plan duty rosters when no one botheres to follow.. I have people showing me face about what is said about their level.. I have crazy people who need me to clear out a storeroom for them to stay in..

So how does it feel making a fool of ourselves during cheerleading? How does it feel being the leader of the group of whites when the yellows, the blues, the oranges and the reds have at least twice the number or people present? How does it feel to lead a cheer when no one follows you? How does it feel to chop the place all the way in front when the emcee says "come forward" only to turn back and see the people directly behind wearing orange and red (not white) and the whites are still slowly strolling behind? How does it feel when I tell the orange and red to clear for the whites only to hear "never mind la we sit behind".

It feels like I've stepped up for eternity already.. but standing in the lift looking at the IBG calander I've only been up for 3 weeks.

3 weeks of not doing tutorials.. 3 weeks of smoking through quizzes.. 3 weeks of seeing the dream I had fading away.

Just like I said "No we must participate in all events" "No we must swim even if you swim breaststroke for freestyle" "No we can't walkover" "No we must come up with some cheerleading shit within tonight" I know this time I can't give up also. Endure, I must. Someone tell me how am I going to walk the rest of the journey when each step I take I feel increasingly lonely?

So to those that are still there for me. Thank you so very much. You know who you are.

And special thanks to Matt for coming up with the H-Company crap.. all the "pretty.. can already" and "hamsom.. can already" chants.. the Pretty and Handsome songs.. the North-South-East-West Cheers.. the newsletter and being always there despite being a Year 3 senior.
To you sir, I salute.

Signed off at
12:25 am




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