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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

In about 3 hrs time I'd be boarding the taxi to the airport.. gosh I should be sleeping... but decide to blog a bit first...

Woke up damn early today to but Block Identity stuff.. which I think is rather good buy... wonder how the end product will turn out..
Watched KingKong in the afternoon.. it's like the must-watch of the season and yeah it was enjoyable.. dunno why ChinTeng and Weijie didn't enjoy it.. maybe no plot ba.. but to each his own.. I think it was a good show.. though not that entirely great. I mean I'd have preferred StarWars or Lord of the Rings anytime.

Just finished my packing.. though I don't know what to pack really.. other than clothes.. I got no MP3 player.. no book.. no entertainment device.. so all I have is a suitcase full of clothes.. yah that's what holidaying is about rite? Enjoy the country more.

Ok.. back only on the 27th.. Hope I get some luck in Taiwan.. need it desperately on the 22nd.


Signed off at
2:04 am


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Feeling totally bored at home these 2 days... coz no more VCD to watch.. kinda stuck doing the flash thingy for the 27th website also.. contemplating on starting on Maple with CT and ZQ and gang but haha lazy to start.

Sent a rather firm and somewhat angry email to Block Comm demanding full attendence the next few block events and worksessions. Well.. I know angry-emails always backfire with lotsa negative feelings on the receiving end but well.. It's time people shift Block Comm up on their priority list.. no matter how small the stuff that we do.

Block Sentosa Outing was well.. expectedly poor attendence.. with only like 11 people turning up. *sigh* kinda demoralising but can't be helped with more 'important' stuff going on like Carolling, IHG and SP rehearsals. It was quite a strange crowd also.. resulting in nothing productive at sentosa.. threw the frisbee around.. a few monkeys.. frolicking in the water.. and a game of proper ultimate frisbee. The sun wasn't that good idea.. and the day ended in rain.

Click for photos!

Shyuan and Jingwen joined us for dinner! So 感动

Well.. flying off to Taiwan on Wednesday.. a rather wrong timing coz it's Christmas.. got Block stuff to do.. and disgustingly.. results coming out. Haven't been really thinking about results but it really gives me the creeps when thinking about it.

Off to sleep now.. going to buy Block Identity stuff in the morn and if luck prevails.. hope to catch KingKong before flying off.


Signed off at
2:39 am


Sunday, December 18, 2005

最近没书此记是因为在全心贯注地看武侠巨作连续剧<<射雕英雄传>>. 终于看完了, 感触良多, 因此借此处将后评叙述一番.

也许最重要的成功之环是编剧紧紧扣着原著. 虽然程序有些更动, 但至少没有像有些剧本刻意编出无聊的爱情情节. 金庸金大侠的佳作果非浪得虚名, 故事起起伏伏, 无不扣人心弦. 好在我已将细节忘了一大半, 才能再次享受曲折变化带来的刺激. 其实金庸的小说之所以会成名是他能天衣无缝地穿插历史人物事景, 如铁木真,全真七子等人物以及西征等情景, 观剧时不禁对金大侠肃然起敬.

电影电视胜于书本之处就是带来视觉上的享受. 导演的拍摄手法因此固然重要. 这部连续剧非凡的地方就是它依着原著取景. 无论是蒙古大草原或是铁掌帮五指山都是毫无诈骗地呈现, 令人看了嫉爽. 就连虚幻的东海桃花岛, 牛家村, 皇宫城都等都设计得仿佛是返回宋朝一般真实. 风景之豪迈, 故事拍摄之专业, 武打之精而不乱, 不愧于原著. 只是电脑效果颇为欠缺, 但也许导演正有保留真实性之意吧.

起初是对周迅扮演低声沙哑型的黄蓉感到怪异. 如此聪明绝顶的娇姑娘应当有可爱甜蜜的口音才对. 但久而久之就习惯了这版黄蓉. 虽然外界批评李亚鹏版郭靖太过呆滞, 但我觉得他把角色拿捏得很恰当. 呆中带毫爽, 傻中带诚恳, 再加上外形更是再像郭靖不过. 杨康的表现我觉得最佳. 无论是呈现小王爷完颜康的英姿或小奸炸杨康的眼神与小动作都拿捏得极准, 值得赞佩. 这也是第一次看金庸小说连续剧有将近每一个人物的亮相, 但着或许是大陆演员堪多之固. 人物造型也不太夸张求异, 比皆是比起当年本地版<<神雕>>的相同人物更又几分真实感.

看武侠片精要所在就是武打场面. 此居的武打处理手法颇有新鲜感, 尤其梅超风的九阴白骨爪更是舞打多过武打, 拍得十分维美. 降龙十八掌的特效壮观但可惜不常看到. 值得一提的是全真剑法的表现独特, 一破布之法来带出剑法的精准. 最重要的是斗打时少了那些无聊的爆炸场面. 若得选最难忘的武打, 就当是郭靖与梅超风在陆家庄的打斗. 其实现在想起来有许多招式可有更多发展的空间. 如更好看的打狗棒法, 铁沙掌, 蛤蟆功等. 希望下一部能给这些功夫讨回一些公道吧.

以华乐为配乐真是给古装武侠剧另一番体验, 胜于以主题曲的改编当配乐. 片尾曲好听, 只可惜很难找到MP3.

在网上搜寻<<射雕>>资料时竟然发现导演已开拍<<射雕三部曲>>的地二部<<神雕侠侣>> . 晓此消息真另我有开心有兴奋, 想迫不及待地看这部连续剧! 真可惜郭靖黄蓉东邪西毒南帝北丐等重复角色将由不同的演员权势, 不然看了当然会有回味之爽. 看以下的片头我想你也会兴奋吧? 哈...


Signed off at
1:30 am


Crappy crap
Sunday, December 11, 2005

I've been sitting in front of the goggle box for the past er.. 12 hours already? Minus the 1 hour which I went jogging (thank goodness) other than that I'd be a true blue couch potato.

Watched 4 episodes of Zaihao's 射雕英雄传.. followed by 2 episodes shown on Channel U from 9-11.. then watched a bit of Channel 8's 爱你爱到杀死你 which was quite crappy until I realised Channel5 was showing Cast Away.. whoo.. that was a nice show to watch.. though not much dialogue and rather harrowing (I wonder if I can survive 1500 days on a deserted island.. though it's a good chance to slim down) but it was beautifully shot and really pricks the senses and emotions.. good show good show. Now glued to 红星大奖 though I watched it already (yeah it's a repeat telecast) and still contemplating whether I should marathon my 射雕 or surf to other SCV channels haha..

Dropped by Friendster just now.. just for fun.. and out of boredom.. coz I received the Friendster updates mail.. and I realised that it's not that deserted after all.. Well there are still people logging in the past week.. days and even 24 hrs.. Friendster has always been the official 'Attached-status' indicator and it's quite surprising to see some statuses change.. And of course quite interesting to see who my friends newly found boyfriends/girlfriends are.. haha.

Aye lost touch with quite a few of them already.. though there are some long long long lost friend whom I really want to meet up again.. let's see.. Anne my primary school friend? Huimin and Linian my 中文学会 mates.. and all my all my army bunkmates...

Being stuck at home is no good la.. I wanna go out.. kaiyuan almost organised a Sentosa outing but no one can make it.. must be all their girlfriends la hai.. BUt also good la.. save money.. Ah talking abt money I sent an 追债 SMS to one of my CSMs who borrowed 200 bucks from me half a year ago but er.. no reply. Come monday I will call him.. He better pick up!

Sorry la huh.. cash flow problems.

Contemplating whether I should wake up early next week for morning runs.. after another Jogging Encounter (oh I havent blogged abt it yet haha.. ok remind me next time ok? dun feel like talking abt it now haa) .. ah see my mood la huh.. the most important thing now is to curb my snacking cravings.. yeah Ekin Cheng yeah... BWAHAHHAAAAAA ~siao~

Ok la enough crap already la.. nothing substantial in this entry anyway.. sorry waste ya time reading.


Signed off at
2:48 am


Friday, December 09, 2005

Sunset taking from my Block D rooftop.. soooo beautiful Posted by Picasa

Signed off at
10:56 pm


Some things are just not meant to be blogged.. too personal.. and there are some feelings that just conjure up within myself uncontrollably.. I'm not supposed to feel this way but.. aye.. it's very confusing. I'm sure you guys feel this way sometimes too.

A friend enlightened me on my unconscientious actions that may actually mean something.. why do all these things happen on the same day?

Just installed Norton Internet Security.. it's quite a prick because I can't get on MSN until the stupid LiveUpdate has finished updating itself..... ok I just restarted my computer. Damnit.

SCRC meeting was irritating. Was supposed to go for meeting at 5.55pm but was told that my slot had to be postponed.. till what time? TEN MINUTES PAST SEVEN!!! What the bloody hell is the narbeicheebye (sorry for the vulgarities). Had to settle for a packet of duck rice that gobbled down in the SCRC room.. where i stayed for less than 10 minutes. Narbei.

Somehow I feel I could seek solace with the company of mafbrothers.. fried eggs and shared them with Weijie, Kaiyuan and Summer.

Oh and Summer told me I look like 郑伊建 in my thinner days haha.. what a motivation to slim down!
But I still couldn't resist the urge to finish Tat's packet of Chicken in a Biscuit. Yeah I have a soft spot for kueh-biahs.

Sigh.. I'm still so affected by it.. but I have the bad habit of thinking too much.
Put my mind to rest.

Signed off at
3:26 am


itching for the net
Thursday, December 08, 2005

The rain is pouring torrentially with scores of lightning flashing by every few seconds.. I should be sleeping.. but itchy fingered me had to turn on the laptop.. to talk to someone? (who was unfortunately offline) to blog? to check mail? wadever I also dunno.. so here I am.

I just went for a 1.5 hr jog which didn't prove to be very healthy I think.. my feet are tired and 酸.. I just diarrhoeaed out lotsa gastric juices (actually I want to go again but am controlling myself coz I ran out of toilet paper).. and am super tired now. More reason I should sleep...

Well.. Block Comm meeting taught me another lesson again.. that was to make sure everyone had their meals before the meeting. Though I had planned for dinner-cum-meeting but well I guess some wanted otherwise and I neglected the rest who were actually looking forward to Mac dinner and were starving throughout the meeting. Which resulted in unproductivity in the end.. hasty decisions.. low standards.. aye.. well..

And because of my Taiwan holiday from 22nd-28th everything's kinda squeezed into the 1st week of Jan.. Yah so much could have been done during that week. But is it unhealthy that the comm can't work just because I'm not around? Or should the 'lead by example' motto still stand? Aye if I could I feel like opting out going Taiwan... but it's after all.. a family holiday.

This means I'll be missing much of Chrisco because of hall.. because of Block Comm.. the ultimate sacrifice I'd be making so far. *sigh*

I'll try not to miss O1 campfire though.. but that possibility feels bleak now.

Wanted to blog abt Kukup (lots to say!) and another Jogging Encounter! but.. too tired yesterday I guess. Too tired now too.. maybe tomorrow if the memories still last.. So shall treat you guys with photos first

Sheares Link Kukup Trip!

And I misplaced my Palmtop.. I hope it's temporarily misplaced and not lost/stolen.. otherwise I anticipate my life to be in a complete mess...


Signed off at
3:20 am


Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm like stalling for time now coz I just ordered McDonalds delivery and is sinful to sleep now coz the fats will just crawl to my waist in my slumber.. so the longer I stay awake.. the less sinful I feel.

My room is like 90% packed.. with remnents of weird stuff all over the place.. stuff which I don't know whether to trow or to keep.. stff which I still need to use.. all of which I need to dump into my big box and dump them in 1st floor pantry come tomorrow before setting off for kukup. Yeap back in hall now after talking to Angie and Yiyu made me feel like more in a holiday mood.. Going Kukup tomorrow!!! Yeah!!

1st time I'm watching CNN on NUSCast.. always knew it was there but never really made it a point to watch it.. hmm.. CNN always give me an overseas feel.. maybe should watch it to sleep tonight.. so that I can wake up to CNN tomorrow haha.. Just like when overseas I'll always wake up to TV in the hotel room...

Aye.. ok. Off to bed now.
See ya on Tuesday night!

Signed off at
3:06 am


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Phew.. ok I finished mapping my modules.. whoa really spent quite a lot of time on this man.. it better be approved.. luckily I ransacked all of Leeds modules to find Pharmaceutical modules to specialise in.. haha otherwise I'll be doing crappy environment modules which are.. well.. crappy hahaha...

Feel quite at a loss now.. like nothing left to do like that.. Kukup Trip tomorrow but I dunt feel like I'm going overseas at all.. haven't really packed my room yet as well.. haven't even found boxes yet.. damn where did my previous boxes go to?

Oh yah remember my $30 Teva sandals which I was so excited about getting them at some NUS bazaar a few months back? Guess what?
It's spoilt.
Bah the whole bloody strap came out. So much for Teva sandals having the strap strapped all the way through the soles.. bloody hell the one I bought (luckily only for $30) us a freaking fake. And I had to walk the the back alley back to hall barefooted. Ass. The next time I see that cheat putting up her store at any NUS bazaar again I'll make sure the whole world knows she sold me a set of fake Tevas.

It's really a slack, hot Sunday. Going to school later to pack my room.. work with William on the Block D webbie and propose Lounge Upgrading proposal to JCRC.. so wayang.

Which reminds me.. 27th webpage.. haha..
okok after I'm back from Kukup i'll start on it!

Signed off at
4:57 pm


Enjoy life.
Saturday, December 03, 2005

I'm back in D805.. with only the ambient light on.. room door open.. rain pattering on the balcony outside the door.. and music playing softly..

Enjoy life.

Just ended the movie marathon.. only a few people were around.. the rest of the guys preferred to DOTA instead. Oh well.. seems like every event I learn one new thing.. and this time.. I've learnt to make decisions for people instead of giving them the choice. Guess if the movies for the movie marathon were decided earlier they would have stayed to watch instead of going up to DOTA just because the movie was 'not decided'. Oh well.

Supposed to have Block Comm outing tomorrow but was postponed. Strange like I told them about the outing even before comm close.. reminded them before exam started.. sent email about it after my exams ended and still people plan stuff on that day itself.. which is tomorrow. I don't know whether Nic's theory of the-block-comm-that-you-were-a-block-comm-member-will-always-be-better-than-the-block-comm-that-you-are-block-head is correct.. but somehow I'm beginning to feel something's wrong with this Block Comm that I'm heading.. while I guess last year we were rather united.. there are so many small cliques within the small group of 10 this year.. Thought an outing together will start to steer things the comm towards the right direction.. but oh well....

At least the BBQ turnout was better than expected.. about 20+ turned up when I only expected 10 haha. Food was great too and the wackos experimented the weird ways of wrapping fish around sausages.. wrapping ham around cheeze.. yeah.. BBQ is all about fun.. and the shit part is after all the fun everyone just slap their backside and walk away.. not even thinking about helping to clear up. So who clear? Block Comm lor..

So much about supporting impromptu Block Events.. In the end Block Comm has to step in one way or another.. yeah no prob with that.. after all that's what's everyone's voted in for.. but most haven't come to a stage where they feel like a Block Comm member yet.. not until specific orders to 'must come for this event' or 'come and clear up'.

Was I like that last year?

So much for Block Comm.. Wanted to blog yesterday but was dead tired after coming back from the SECC Comm Chair Treat. Now I know there's this Marche imitation place called Vilage near China Square... haha and MQ spent like close to $300 treating us! Whoa that's scary.. But it was a full sinful meal.. so much for swimming the past few days. And next time please don't order 'Meat Loaf'. It sounds good but is actually just a thick piece of ham.

And I guess I'm really not suited to going KTV with powerhouses.. like when we first started singing me and Weijie were shouting the house down.. but when the serious singers started to sing I couldn't help but recluse to 'Listening Mode' and just enjoy their singing.. Didn't want to sing anymore coz it'll really spoil market.. haha yeah coz i really suck. So yeah.. if you can sing.. pls don't ask me to KTV. Haha.. the more zao siah and the more siao on you are at singing siao siao songs.. yeah call me along. If you can pay for me even better hahahaaaa...

Yes Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.. it was AWESOME!!! Though the storyline was sorely empty compared to the book.. but for a 2.5 hour show it just captured the essentials.. enough to tell the story... but not enough to do JK Rowling any justice at all. OH but the effects were WAY COOOOOL!!! I really want to go down to the World Quidditch Cup to see Victor Krum! I want to see how Cedric, Fluer and Victor battle their dragons! (I was actually cursing them for editing those parts out when it occured to me that it probably wasn't even in the script) I want to go to the Yule Ball! I want to study in Hogwarts!! I want to learn magic.. do transfiguration.. spells,.. potions.. Quidditch!! Ah I must be crazy.. yes.. if only they made the whole Harry Potter series a Drama Serial and act out every scene in the book....

And Voldermort should have been taller than he should in the movie.

Well.. the rain has stopped.. the chickens are crowing.. and the lights from PSA afar are so very beautiful.

I always spend beautiful moments.... alone. *sigh*

Signed off at
5:00 am


Thursday, December 01, 2005

I was going to hit the bed soon when my senior suddenly gave me the contact of her good friend who is in

Wooohoooo whoa she is my savior la.. though she's taking very long to reply me.. I've probably had the scariest time in the world just now mapping my modules from NUS to Leeds.. as in like so many of the modules are full year modules and I just emailed the lecturers there if I could take them for 1 semester only (whoa crazy rite I actually emailed the angmoh lecturers there.. guess how many times I went throught the email to check for grammar and spelling mistakes and politeness hahaaaa)

Oh hahaa my savior just saved me.. like 1 module hahaa.. oh no it's like MANY modules hahaaa.. oh no i'm going crazy.. which also means I must start thinking about my specialisation in year 4.. ohoh.. okok I'm not blogging anymore!


Signed off at
4:08 am




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