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Pre Monday Blues
Monday, February 26, 2007

Time really flies.. after a looooooooooooooooong CNY break.. going to start work in 5 hours time. Sianz.

Just had a short meeting with my Rag Marketing Comm. Hmm.. yah my whole weekend that's the only 1 hour I stepped out of my house.

Met up with Rachel for lunch on Thurs.. boy she looks different. Haven't seen her for loooooong time. 3 chem engineers.. 2 working.. aye wad am I going to do when I graduate?

Watched Chingay on Friday.. sitting on the sidelines this time.. kept on thinking about last year when I was part of Chingay itself.. so bloody fun can? Please go and read about it here (put your mouse over and click here).

Ok la. Ranting over.
Going to sleep liao.

Signed off at
2:46 am


Thursday, February 22, 2007

We were supposed to go to Tat's house to 拜年 when until I left home with 2 oranges in a bag then KY called me to tell me
  • Jeff will be late
  • Bong's working
  • Yaohui has social work project
  • Weijie has medical checkup
  • Junsheng nuahhing in bed
So it's only me, KY and later on Jeff and most probably not Junsheng. Haha.. wad a joke. Called off the whole 拜年 thing and KY and I wandered around the 4 corners of Queensway instead.. later on met up with Jeff in Harbourfront and "walked in straight lines" then ended up facing Sentosa talking cock till sun set. Oh yah, and Jeffry ate the 2 oranges. *pengz*

Welcome to the world of MAF Brothers.
Till now can't believe what happened today actually happened. Hahaha.

At least I did a productive thing today.. went to run. Haha. Very long never run already.. but had to do justice to wanted to run the thiswhich I just bought. ASICS TN711 GEL DS TRAINER XII 0189!!! Well it's time I bought it.. my old DS Trainer which ran me through countless IPPTs, ARRs, morning and night runs and a biathalon was giving way after 4 faithful years and I sure do hope this pair lasts as long. =)

Another record-breaking thing I did.. I gained 1kg in 2 days. Whoa lao the power chinese new year goodies can do to me. Means more running and less eating the next few months (er.. yah I know i've been saying this for eons before this hahahahaa)

Ok.. I'm going to watch Prison Break episode 17 fresh on dailymotion. Just cheonged 2 episodes of Heroes when I decided to give Prison Break a chance.. so well......

Signed off at
3:18 am


A Postcard to Home - Closed
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ok.. finally I've finished backdating all my posts! For everyone's (including my own's) convenience I've linked all my travel exploits as below.. from the very first visit in Stockholm to my final city in Prague. Enjoy!

6th September

11th September

31st October

2nd November

5th November

6th November

11th November

23rd November

28th November

1st December

9th December

18th December

20th December

21st December

22nd December

23rd December

24th December

28th December

19th January

Well.. that pretty much sums up my SEP experience.. other than the studying part of course. This blog captures my wonderful memories made in those 4 months.. all of which I will never forget for life.

Till we meet again, Europe.

Signed off at
12:38 pm


First Post in the Year of the Pig
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Just back from welcoming back Weijie from the airport. Happy to see him again. Can't believe he went through so much just after seeing him in Europe. Oh well.. Everything's back to normal now. Rest well bro. =)

Whou.. disappeared for more than a week eh? The past week has been quite crazy.. Think for 3 out of the 5 working nights I fell asleep at night without even knowing.. too tired.. just konked out once I got home..

Though I accomplished quite a lot of what I want to do the past week.. sent out CNY cards.. bought present for YJ (though I haven't given her yet) and blogged about Prague trip.. Only left with the Norway trip not accounted for.. to complete my travel blog. That, probably I'll do sometime this week.. since I have a 1 week forced leave by my dear company.

Work's getting more shiong now.. though all my colleagues still rock. Supervisors are getting cranky but all are problems are solved by simply just bitching our problems away. Haha. Come next week life will be more shiong.. as we will be assigned individual projects to work on.. so oh well.. see how lor.

CNY this year seemed more boring than normal. Most of the time spent watching TV and munching on goodies while my parents do all the socialising.. All I do is occasionally mutter "NUS" "Year 3" and "yes" or "no" to possible questions that can ever be directed at me. The most exciting event would probably be going to Angie's house at CNY eve for gambling with Kenny, Abhi, Veron, Charmaine and Yiyu. Though all the money I won was given to the cab driver to get me home. Haha.

The most significant thing that happened was our 7.5 hour Rag Main Committee Meeting on Friday. SEVEN and the half HOURS!! 9pm to 4.30am!! Could have gone longer if everyone weren't so brain-drained to think of ideas by then. But it was a rather fruitful meeting.. trashed out certain issues.. set directions.. presented timeline... can't say a lot here knowing how secretive the nature of Rag is.. but yeah.. This is really a wonderful Comm to work with.

So yes.. the night before I also arrived home at 5am after working out the timeline with Tat.. causing me to take a cab to work the next day.. Oh.. the amount of sleep I forsaken for Rag.. and the amount of sleep in future I'd be forsaking come May. We'd better bloody win.

Specially to Chye.. the photo on the left isn't exactly a photo. Thought you might have guessed it would be a collage. Means you didn't notice there were 2 clementchios there.
Representative photos/logo of MAFBrothers, SWOC Councillors, Leeds friends and deeBlockers. The greatest friends I've ever made =)

And my brother got look like Hiro Nakamura meh??

Ok, I'm back to watching Heroes now. Haha.. totally addicted!
To those who want to get addicted too... http://www.peekvid.com/feature/tv/526/Heroes.html

Happy New Year of the Pig!

Signed off at
2:41 am


How How How?
Monday, February 12, 2007

SPRING CLEANING! Wa.. spring cleaning is hard work man.. ok it's not exactly cleaning but more of like painting.. scraping moss off the tiles in the porch.. drilling holes into walls to install stuff.. blah blah blah.. the real cleaning will start next week when my mother took a whole week of leave just to tackle.. Yep.. that's just how crazy it gets just to bring my house to "guest-ready" state. Have been living in hall the past 2 years so forgot that it's such hard work every Chinese New Year...

Hwachong CNY is this Friday morning.. should I take leave just to go back Hwachong for CNY? I only have 3 days leave and I'd be having the whole week of CNY off already so is it worth it taking another day off to go back Hwachong? Really want to go back coz haven't been going back for all the major events this year already.. like O1 and MAF.. furthermore it's my brother's 2nd last event in council.... how how how?

The latest talk-of-the-town is... RESERVIST! Haha... suddenly I'm talking to all my past NS buddies that are on my MSN list but just never talk to all these while.. generally kaopehing and quite a few are on their way of worming their way into a deferrment. Champions! I have no reason to defer so I lanlan must go.. which I don't mind la.. at least can see friends =)

I'm officially broke.. only have $20 in my bank account which I'm going to withdraw tomorrow for lunch survival. Lent $700 to a friend who stupidly borrowed money from ah long for god knows what reason. Like $700 will help right? But too bad.. I got no money to help him with more already. And when I mean no money.. I don't mean I have a reserve account stashed away somewhere like I used to last time. That reserve account has been cancelled by the bank! Coz there hasn't been money inside for a looong looong time.

Still owe Jingwen for last sem's hall stay.. still owe Kayping and Gabe for Walawala drinks.. still owe Bong for drinks last week. Hope the money Weijie just transferred to me for the Europe trip is enough to tide over New Year.

Earning peanuts every month with compulsary expenditure such as transport and food.. how to spend my money becomes a tricky situation. There are so many things I want to do and buy but I don't have enough money! I wanna buy a new pair of Asics shoes ($150-$200) to replace the one I've been wearing since my army days.. I wanna buy a new camera ($600-$700) at the next PC fair to replace my old Canon Ixus 40 which screen mysteriously cracked during We Will Rock You musical... and I want to carry on with my secret upgrading ($1500-$2000) which is so secret I can't type down here and only a few friends know.

How How How How How?

Signed off at
1:42 am


Wala Wala
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Today I watched the 1st 3 episodes of Season One of Heroes. Was expecting an exciting X-Men type of series but turned out to me more harrowing than I thought.

Went to WalaWala for a chill with Gabe and Kayping. WalaWala is a great place to chill.. the band Unexpected provided solid entertainment. I love live music.. I really wouldn't mind hanging out at WalaWala every weekend coz it's really stress-relieving.. Furthermore it's near my place.

Though I still can't get used to S$15 pints of beer which used to cost me only £1+ (S$3)

Signed off at
4:18 am


Wa Lao Eh!
Saturday, February 10, 2007

At 2120 hours.. I received an SMS from an unknown number..
(Fm: MINDEF) You have a National Service Call-Up Notification. For more details, go to www.ns.sg or call 6444 7636. For assistance, call 1800-eNSNSNS(3676767).

Wa.. didn't expect it to come so abruptly. At least it should come via a snail mail or something more formal right? Well.. just went to the website to check.. and Voila!


You LTA CHIO WEI HAN, CLEMENT are required under
Section 14 of the Enlistment Act, Cap 93 to report for service at 0730 hrs on 11/06/2007
at Sungei Gedong Camp for the purpose
of Annual ICT (490SAR 1st LK ICT) Your service will be up to 15/06/2007 2359 hrs.

for Proper Autority

Was sian diao at first.. a bit excited that my1st ICT is finally here.. a bit relieved that I'm in 490 SAR where all my friends are.. a bit apprehensive coz I forgot all my Int stuff.. and a bit comforting coz I'd be getting some money out of this haha.. after all I get paid better in NS than now. Which also means IPPT is coming... start to really train lo!

Was talking to Zuther abt NN and SJO.. and he told me what I did when I was dead drunk the night before leaving Leeds. Apparantly I very obviously gave NN's crush for SJO away by very obviously asking him who he likes and then asking him again after asking SJO out of the room. Wah biangz.. I can't remember I did that at all! So paiseh la..

Moral of the story is: don't get me drunk.

Just settled my weekend plans.. in a very last minute stunt originating from a sudden urge to go Wala Wala I just jiooed the Block to go Walawala tomorrow evening. Haha.. might just end up to be me Kayping and Gabe but oh well.. need to chill out man.. can't just stay at home the whole saturday. Probably before that going to buy a pair of Asics shoes to replace the old torn ones that I've been happily running with every since my army days..

And guess where I'd be spending my Valentines Day?
Block D Rooftop - Block Supper.
Haha sian. But.. cheap (free for me) and good =)

Ok la.. I just spent the whole night loading the stupid Heroes Episode 1 video on ouou.com only to hang on me when it finished loading. Damn stupid Chinese servers.

It's snowing in Leeds now.. Well.. it snowed the very day I arrived in Singapore.. meaning that I didn't get to see snow my whole 4 months there.. So everytime I see my Widget reflecting 'Snow' in Leeds I have the tinge of regret and disappointment.. and some jealousy seeing all the MSN nicks announcing to the whole wide world how beautiful snow is...
But now I've grappled the fact that I'd never get to see snow in the next manymany years to come.. except on TV or in pictures.. and to imagine what it'll be like falling on your face and melting once it touches the warmth of the body...
Now I feel happy for all my friends who are experiencing this magical moment in that part of the world I still miss so much.

As for now.. I'm going to maximise my weekends by sleeping as little as I can! Going to dig food now. Ciao!

Signed off at
12:26 am


Another week has passed...
Friday, February 09, 2007

.. and I'm getting the hang of things at my job.. both on IA and in hall. Time passes faster with more tasks to do during IA now and my fellow IA colleagues are really a fun bunch to be with. Bosses are fine and workload is just right... so I guess the only prick is the waking up early and the going back late..

Another 5 more months to the end of IA.. seems like it's as 'long' as my whole SEP. I know that it'll be over soon.. but it's still a long way to go. I don't want to count down to the end of IA because it means it'll be the start of scary scary Year 4 of Chem Engine where I'll have to go back to NUS and face FINAL YEAR PROJECT and PROCESS LAB II.. both of which sucks big time.

The rag machine has started.. just came back from hall collecting cans from all the blocks.. took the chance to unofficially meet up with the rest of the main comm members. Good bunch of people to work with. Can't wait for the FULL comm meeting where I'll get to meet all the raggers at one shot. Feels weird that I'm vice-chairing such a huge 50+man comm (and growing for sure) when I'm not even staying hall and I'm on attachment. But ever since the last defeat.. through my whole bout overseas.. even as I type.. the burning desire to sweep all the shields back is raging within me.. and that I'd be working together with Tat and Kaiyuan gives more motivation to carry on. It's a huge commitment.. and a scary one. At the back of my mind I know of weak links which could jeopardize the whole process.. I have heard warnings that friendships could be at stake.. and I definitely do not want to screw up.

The tinge of fear among confidence makes it a scary paradox.

Oh well.. but one good thing for sure is that I've started exercising! Haha. Wa lau I put back 1.5 kg of the 3 kg that I shed on the other end of the globe within 3 weeks! This is madness. So I'm on the jogging routine and gym-if-they-jio-and-yaohui-goes mentality and I hope it keeps up! Sense ICT coming up so I better get that Gold for IPPT! Haha =)

But I feel my body slowly wearing off.. my shoulder joints crack a lot and have an irritating pain while my knees are still aching even after 4 months of not running. My teeth hurts only when I'm eating sticky sweet stuff. Time to see a doctor/dentist.. when I have the time.

Just watched Prison Break... I just can't stand watching weekly episodes. Sometimes I just feel like piling up all the episodes and just watch them in 1 shot when they whole season ends. But I can't wait haha. Though now the cliffhangers are less intense than those in Season 1.. it's still.. irritating.

I've been watching House 2 everyday though.. 1 episode on the way to work and 1 episode on the way home.. on my fantastic little iPod. Makes my journey to and from work less undesirable. At this rate I'm going to finish watching the season next week! Hmm.. anyone has other dramas to share?

Sleeping now. Have been late twice this week (but luckily boss doesn't really care haa) but I don't hope to be late tomorrow...

I really don't know how to spend this weekend. No plans as yet. Sad.

Oh.. and yes.. Valentines Day is coming. Maybe the first V-day in years I'd be spending at home. Anyone game for a date?

Signed off at
2:35 am


Get the Rag Engines oiled...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Signed off at
1:33 am


Monday, February 05, 2007

Soon I'd be hitting the sacks which means the next morning when I wake up again it'll be a brand new work week. As much as I wanna maximise my weekends I don't wanna screw up my Monday by making it bluer.

Working life sucks. Though the job itself is manageable and maybe sometimes slack and fun coz the other interns are wacky people as well, the idea of waking up early to go to work, spending the whole day there and knocking off late leaving very little time for myself is terrible. Doesn't help that I'm staying in the West and my company is all the way in the East. Weekends are precious, next time I must pack it with activities.

Met up with MafBrothers for dinner on Sat.. supposedly to celebrate Toad's and my birthday. Haha now the trend is organize-your-own-birthday celebration.. no more punks no more fighting which is good. Wa we are all so old already. But I haven't seen Jeff and Bong for so long it was nice to meet up. Oh well, both of them are in the working world too so that explains why always never see them.

Suddenly had the urge to jump back into the Friendster bandwagon. Maybe the boredom at home made me realise how important friends are to me. I really wanna move back to hall.. just that I have no money and can't find a reason to convince my parents to let me. So anyway I just spent my last hour or so adding a whole long list of people onto my Friendster list.. starting with UK peeps and deeBlockers.. if I get real bored I'll start testimonialling soon...

I'm still in the process of backdating my travelogs.. Left with probably the Norway part and the Prague part.. if can check back previous months if ya wanna read up on 'previous' backdated posts...

Yay! Going back to hall for CMB concert tomorrow!
Yay! Going back to hall for Rag photoshoot on Tuesday!

Can I do my attachment in Sheares Hall?

Signed off at
2:16 am




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